Wolf icon
Stag icon
Goat icon
Raven icon
Bear icon
Boar icon
Snake icon
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Horse icon
Kraken icon
Ox icon
Lynx icon
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Eagle icon
Lion icon
Stoat icon
Owl icon
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The clan of the Wolf
Born fighters, the strong people of Fenrir are exceptionally fierce on the battlefield. Their bravery not only allows them to hunt for survival, compensating for their meager production. It also gives them the ability to mobilize fast and recklessly push into enemy territories.
Starting bonuses:
  • Killing Wolf Wolfs and Bear Bears provides Meat Meat.
  • Your military units consume 30% less Food Food and provide Happiness Happiness.
  • If you have no military units, the first recruitment is free.
Fame bonuses:
  • Dominion
    Your Berserker Berserker can colonize cleared zones for free.
  • Assault
    Your military units gain a 15% attack bonus when fighting outside your territory. Berserker Berserker's Dominion cooldown is reduced by 50%