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The clan of the Rat
Relentless survivors, the houseless outcasts of Dodsvagr strive without a break, for they have learned to use pain, hardship and death to their advantage. Led by the warmaiden Eir, their shamans can mend wounds as surely as they can inflict them.Starting bonuses:
- The clan has more villagers but they arrive wounded. Wounded and Military units do not count for requirement.
- The clan doesn't have access to Houses, but all non-mystic buildings provide housing. Extra villagers wait in your .
- The Shaman Camp replaces the Healer's Hut.
- When the clan units kill foes or die, the corpses are cremated in a Purification Pyre at a Shaman Camp.
- Overwork replaces the Feast.
Fame bonuses:
- Shamanic CareWhile being healed your units consume -30% less.
- ProliferationPurification Pyre is extended to 6 months.can hold +4 villagers max. The maximum duration of