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The clan of the Kraken
Wielders of fate, the mighty seeresses of Lyngbakr master the occult forces of the wyrd and can turn into fierce valkyries. The clan of the Kraken, fearful worshipper of the brutal sea, thrives on its fish-filled coasts but knows its dangers too well to sail offshore.Starting bonuses:
- You can't build Longship docks and access the Trade Victory, but Fishing Cabins are 20% more effective and can be used to fish both in lakes and the sea.
- On non-coastal zones, colonization and building costs are 50% more expensive, and units' attack power is reduced by 30%.
- The Hörgr replaces the Brewery and produces . When producing a positive amount, the Kraken will send you new villagers.
- You start with 1 . You can have more by building Hörgrs and having negative .
- s can evolve into .
Fame bonuses:
- Future Sights increase zone production by 15%. Events are now revealed long sooner than other clans. Your clan feasts each time the Kraken approach the coasts.
- Howl of the Sea MasterYou can have 4 more. Military units killed have a chance to become , joining your ranks under your orders.