Wolf icon
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Lion icon
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Owl icon
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The clan of the Lion
Protected by their glorious forts, noble lords and blessed relics, the dominions of Neustria have found unity under the Lion's banner. Even in struggle, its pious subjects will never lose faith, for they know it is with perseverance that the cities and cathedrals of stone are built.
Starting bonuses:
  • Zones with military camps gain +1 Livability Livability, +2 once the camp is upgraded.
  • Killing a foe generates Faith Faith if Hildegard Hildegard takes part in the fight.
  • Military units can be recruited using Faith Faith instead of Kröwns Kröwns. The cost in Faith Faith is reduced with each unlocked Knowledge.
Fame bonuses:
  • Religious Processions
    Feasts cost 3% less for each acquired Knowledge and Vow. Each military camp in a zone with Prosperity Prosperity gives a 5% attack bonus to the associated units.
  • Rise of the Twelve Peers
    You can evolve Monk Monks into [Paladin]s for a cost in Faith Faith. Paladins can be assigned a Relic and carry it with them, including into enemy territory. Relics require no building slot.