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Eagle icon
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The clan of the Eagle
Carried by the winds, the agile explorers of Hraesvelg do not need to occupy a large territory, for they will easily venture outside to gather resources. Their profound knowledge of the terrain and their ability to exploit it to its fullest allow them to survive in the most desertic areas. They are led by Grif, the sole survivor of a fallen clan.
Starting bonuses:
  • The Aviary replaces the Scout Camp and train Falconer Falconers who explore and reveal Buried Caches on the map over time.
  • You start with 1 Hawk Hawk. They turn a cleared zone into a Boneyard, providing natural resources from the zone and healing your units.
  • Aviarys require no building slot and increase the maximum number of Hawk Hawks you can send on a Boneyard.
  • You gain no Fame Fame for colonizing new zones.
Fame bonuses:
  • Nomadic Tribe
    Units outside their territory consume -30% less Food and Firewood. Zones can be upgraded using Food. In upgraded zones, houses give +1 population and military buildings give +1 warband.
  • Scavenging
    Ruins, Shipwrecks, and all special zones can be explored once more to gain additional resources (except the Fame Fame). It is possible to reclaim a colonization bonus from a zone that already gave one.