Wolf icon
Stag icon
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Stoat icon
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The clan of the Stoat
Independent and protective, the populations of Kernev occupy autonomous territories, but they will unite in battle under the command of their powerful Lords. Nominoe's knowledge of Viking cultures and diplomatic ways gives the Kingdom the adaptability and allies to match any challenge.
Starting bonuses:
  • Building a Fort on a zone turns it into a Duchy.
  • Specialized workers assigned inside a Duchy zone consume fewer resources, Happiness Happiness, and do not count in the population limit, but they require a Kröwns Kröwns income.
  • Buildings built inside a Duchy zone cost no upkeep, but they give less production.
  • The Fort has 2 different upgrades. Instead of Feasts, the clan can collect Levies from Upgraded Forts to gain bonuses based on its zone's buildings.
  • Subject Subjects produce less Faith Faith but can be assigned as Monk Monks to Viking Artifacts like Runestones.
Fame bonuses:
  • Feudal Duties
    Levies give better bonuses. You can build multiple similar military camps in a Duchy zone with a Defensive fort.
  • Exceptional Measures
    You can collect 2 Levies at the same time.