Wolf icon
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Ox icon
Lynx icon
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The clan of the Ox
Forces of nature, the oxes of Himminbrjotir are large, robust, efficient, and led by an even more powerful chief, Torfin. The devotion of his clan can bring this fallen god back to life, allowing him to reclaim his ancient equipment from mythical battlegrounds.
Starting bonuses:
  • Your warchief is the powerful Torfin Torfin. He can find and equip Ancestral equipment Ancestral equipments.
  • Your units are tougher, larger and eat more than the other clans, and have a 15% attack power and defense bonus.
  • Specialized civilian units have a 40% production bonus, except Loremaster Loremasters.
  • Any building can hold only one unit, Houses hold less people.
  • Torfin's Throne produce +2 Lore Lore while Torfin Torfin is not summoned.
Fame bonuses:
  • Military Pressure
    Non villager unit productions have a bonus depending on the number of military units you control.
  • The True Hero
    Unlock Ram ability for Torfin Torfin. He can target an enemy building and he will destroy it immediately by charging at it. Enemy units becomes feared during the charge.