Wolf icon
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Goat icon
Raven icon
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Squirrel icon
Rat icon
Eagle icon
Lion icon
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The clan of the Squirrel
Cunning and bountiful, the gluttons of Ratatoskr draw their vigor from the fine cuisine of the divine cook Andhrimnir. To sustain their epicurean lifestyle during winter, they are especially efficient in autumn. Their prodigality can also benefit their allies, but beware; they are astute manipulators.
Starting bonuses:
  • The clan doesn't Feast but instead gather Ingredients Ingredients in its territory, depending on the zone type, to prepare different Meal Meals.
  • The Stove replaces the Brewery. Andhrimnir Andhrimnir is your warchief and can be assigned to it to produce more Ingredients Ingredients.
  • The clan hoards greedily in anticipation of winter 2 months before it starts and can count on a 30% increase in production during this period. However, they have a harder time during winter itself as they consume more Food Food and Wood Wood.
  • The clan can achieve its specific Ratatoskr Victory.
Fame bonuses:
  • A Helping Hand
    You receive Ingredients Ingredients of each type by boat and you increase your ingredient storage by 200. You can make Meals for your allies (effects are -50% less effective for allies). You unlock Gift routes at the Trading Post.
  • Plot for the Throne
    You gain Fame based on your extra population compared to your most populous opponent. Arrival of new villagers increases by 5% every 100 Fame Fame.