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Owl techtree
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The clan of the Owl
Subsisting through the ages, the secretive norns of Vördr keep watch over all realms in Northgard and beyond. Protectors of Yggdrasil, the sisters Skuld, Verdandi, and Urdr, use the power of this sacred tree to spread their knowledge inexorably across the land.
Starting bonuses:
  • Forests and other sources of Wood Wood provide Lore Lore instead. It is used to build and upgrade buildings.
  • The Seed of Yggdrasil on your main zone can train up to 3 OwlNorn Norns to explore, build relationships, and produce Lore Lore on neutral mystic buildings.
  • Knowledges are unlocked through a unique tree and built as Branches of Yggdrasil you can place in any ally or even neutral territory.
  • Knowledges in their territory benefit the clans you have favorable relationships with.
  • You can choose Skuld Skuld, Verdandi Verdandi, or Urdr Urdr as warchief.
  • The clan can achieve the unique Realms Unleashed victory instead of a wisdom victory.
  • Deer Deer and Fish Fishs do not provide food, but Happiness Happiness.
Fame bonuses:
  • Eyes of the Forest
    Your can explore and place Branches of Yggdrasil in enemy territory. When a clan has favorable relations with you, Shared Knowledge grants you 2 times more Lore Lore.
  • Pillars of Wisdom
    Zones can contain an additional Branch of Yggdrasil. Owl knowledges can be placed twice. Better relations with a clan make Owl knowledges in their territory stronger.