Wolf icon
Stag icon
Goat icon
Raven icon
Bear icon
Boar icon
Snake icon
Dragon icon
Horse icon
Kraken icon
Ox icon
Lynx icon
Squirrel icon
Rat icon
Eagle icon
Lion icon
Stoat icon
Owl icon
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The clan of the Goat
Bringers of abundance, the laborers of Heidrun are expert stockbreeders and hold feast after feast with admirable ease. Although they know how to defend what they have, they aren't known for their fierceness in combat.
Starting bonuses:
  • Starts with one Sheep Sheep and can build two Sheepfolds.
  • Your clan gets 20% more production through feasts.
Fame bonuses:
  • Shepherd
    Gives 2 free Sheep Sheeps. You can have an additional Sheepfold and their Food Food production is increased by +10%.
  • Teamwork
    You gain 1 free feast per year. Your units regenerate health during a feast.