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The clan of the Lynx
Mythical hunters, the arrow-shooting trackers of the Lynx gain strength by collecting sacred trophies on their preys. Their chief Mielikki, tamer of the sacred felines Brundr and Kaelinn, has the ability to bring back the mythical beasts she slayed for one ultimate battle.
Starting bonuses:
  • Earn Hunting Trophy Hunting Trophys on animal kills.
  • The Archery range replaces the Axe Thrower Camp.
  • You can summon Brundr Brundr and Kaelinn Kaelinn to your Archery range. Mielikki Mielikki, the Beastmaster is weaker than other warchiefs but does not cost Iron Iron.
  • The Path of the Hunter replaces Military Paths. Spend Hunting Trophy Hunting Trophys to unlock powerful abilities for Brundr Brundr, Kaelinn Kaelinn and the Tracker Trackers.
Fame bonuses:
  • Lures
    Unlock Mythical Lure ability for the Mielikki Mielikki. Once placed, it periodically attracts Mythical beasts to the zone, more and more as time passes. Each cleared wave increases the size of the next one. The next feast's cost is reduced by 5% (up to 50%) per animal your clan killed.
  • Oskoreia
    Unlock Oskoreia ability for the Mielikki Mielikki. She can recall the strongest wave of Mythical Animals the clan killed. In their spirit form, they come back for one last rampage on earth.