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The clan of the Bear
Lords of the frost, the brood of Bjarki reach their full potential in winter. Protected by the vigorous Shield Maiden and her armored bear Kaija, their defenses allow it to wait until the cold comes. Then, they can send their most vigorous troops at their crippled rivals.
Starting bonuses:
  • Food and Firewood penalties in winter are reduced by 30%.
  • You can summon Kaija, the Armored bear Kaija, the Armored bear to your Training Camp. It regenerates and produce Food Food near Fish Fish.
  • Instead of having reduced power, your military units gain 10% resistance bonus during the winter.
Fame bonuses:
  • Kindred Spirit
    Having Kaija, the Armored bear Kaija, the Armored bear or a Maiden Maiden in a zone increases local production by 15%.
  • The Bear Awakens
    You gain +3Fame Fame per enemy unit killed in a zone with the Maiden Maiden. Your military units gain +1% power per 100Fame Fame. Kaija, the Armored bear Kaija, the Armored bear can now go in enemy territory.