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The clan of the Dragon
Exhausters of life, Nidhogg's followers exploit thralls to fuel their ravenous economy and human sacrifice to produce the wicked dragon essence. This sinister power can ultimately turn them into the dreadful dragonkins, revealing their inhumanity.
Starting bonuses:
  • You start with a Sacrificial Pyre. You can build Dragonkin Altars instead of other military camps.
  • You start with 2 Thrall Thralls, which collect Food Food and can be assigned to buildings to increase the workers production.
  • Your civilians can go into neutral territory and suffer no Happiness Happiness or production penalty for being wounded.
Fame bonuses:
  • Reluctant Workforce
    Receive 5 Thrall Thralls. Your Dragon Essence Dragon Essence gauge is extended, and bonuses are increased.
  • Tenacious Grudge
    You can train Draconic Nightmare Draconic Nightmares by sending Dragonkin Dragonkinss to Dragonkin Altar a second time. Your Dragon Essence Dragon Essence gauge reaches its maximum size and increases the value of the bonuses.