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The clan of the Snake
Lurkers in the shadows, the renegades of Sváfnir have no interest in preserving their honor, which gives them a solid tactical advantage. Using stealth, surprise and theft, they can unceasingly impair rival forces while their young chief Signy only grows stronger through the years.
Starting bonuses:
  • You don't have access to Fame Fame but can copy Knowledge from any clan you encounter.
  • You start with your warchief, the young Signy Signy. She grows up each year, getting stronger and gaining new powers.
  • Signy Signy can use Scorched Earth to gain military advantage and steal natural resources from neutral zones. You can burn more zones as she grows stronger.
  • You can build Skirmisher Camps.
Fame bonuses:
  • Fire with Fire
    Signy Signy gains Cloaked. When using Scorched Earth, every foes will leave the zone to adjacents one and discovered them.
  • Shadow of the Wild
    All Military units gain the Cloaked ability. Scorched Earth can be used on one more zone simultaneously.
  • Scorched Earth
    Scorched Earth can be used on enemy zone. Your units have +50% attack power on burned zone.