Wolf icon
Stag icon
Goat icon
Raven icon
Bear icon
Boar icon
Snake icon
Dragon icon
Horse icon
Kraken icon
Ox icon
Lynx icon
Squirrel icon
Rat icon
Eagle icon
Lion icon
Stoat icon
Owl icon
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The clan of the Horse
Supreme craftspersons, the artisans of Svadilfari are known for their solid defenses and efficient building maintenance. In Völund's forge, their tireless chiefs Eitria and Brok shape the wondrous tools and relics which bring glory to this people.
Starting bonuses:
  • You don't have access to Mines, Miner Miners or Smith Smiths.
  • You have two warchiefs who can be summoned from Völund's Forge without Iron Iron.
  • Your Warchiefs can build, repair, mine, and forge 20% faster.
Fame bonuses:
  • Craftsmen
    When in the same zone, Warchiefs mine and forge 50% faster Selling Stone Stone or Iron Iron earns +20% Kröwns Kröwns. Neutral factions will accept Stone Stone and Iron Iron. Allies and neutral faction receive double resource.
  • Legacy of the Earth
    You discover 2 Stone and 2 Iron deposits in your territory. Zones with or adjacent to an active relic gain +15% production. (not stackable)