Wolf icon
Stag icon
Goat icon
Raven icon
Bear icon
Boar icon
Snake icon
Dragon icon
Horse icon
Kraken icon
Ox icon
Lynx icon
Squirrel icon
Rat icon
Eagle icon
Lion icon
Stoat icon
Owl icon
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The clan of the Raven
Prosperous seafarers, the sailors of Huginn and Muninn use their unmatched commercial ability to expand at great speed, and their navigation mastery to explore or raid distant areas.
Starting bonuses:
  • You can spend Kröwns Kröwns to colonize new zones.
  • Harbor replaces the Longship dock.
  • You gain Lore Lore when you scout new zones and Fame Fame when you discover Neutral Factions and enemy Town Halls.
Fame bonuses:
  • Mercenaries from Homeland
    Raids can target enemy territory except for Town Halls. You can assign 3 more Sailor Sailors in your Harbor with a [Lighthouse]. You can trade with Homeland.
  • Wartime Economy
    All upkeep is reduced by 15%. Upkeep of military buildings is reduced by 50%. Mercenaries can be recruited from military buildings. They do not consume food or wood but require Kröwns Kröwns to stay in your Warband. Raids can target enemy Town Halls.